Mar 27, 2011

Childhood Church Memories #1

Sitting in service and I can't help but think about my early years growing up in the church. I don't feel bad about blogging right now because at least it revolves around church and not how much fun the club was last night. I do get some credit for that right?... Besides I can't get with the pre-recorded announcements with the background elevator music. *shrugs*

Sitting here listening to this deacon reminds me of my old-school southern church. I don't know what it is about southern ministers but they all have the same exact voice! When I was younger it didn't matter how much sleep I got. As soon as I heard pastor's voice I was out!

And I mean out, knocked out, comatose out. And I never understood why, and I always got in trouble. Always. I felt like I was being set-up! My old pastor had the most monotone voice ever created UNTIL he got to the end of sermon. I know the end of every one of his messages dating back to age 4. Seriously......Seriously.

Okay Pastor's speaking...

Why So Serious?!

Mar 26, 2011

What Is On Time?

So I'm sitting in the car on the way to my Regional Convention in Raleigh, N.C. Figured I'd get a quick blog in because I'll be in business sessions all day. Looking forward to seeing some brothers though.
Hopefully when I get there it's not over though. Of course me and my roommate are running late. And when I say late I mean HOURS late. Granted the conference is all weekend, but even if it was all WEEK I probably would still be late. Its not good, I know this, but I can't help it.

Maybe there a special gene placed in people to be on-time for stuff and I just don't have it. Like some people are always on-time for things and I feel like I have to extra prepare.

On-time Gene: "So there's meeting at 9? Okay I'll leave at 8:15."

Me: "So there's a meeting at 9? It take 15mins to get there? Okay I'll leave 8:50"
I'm on to this conference.

Why So Serious?!

Mar 25, 2011

Mr. Good-Morning

Every morning, like most young college students, I wake up to my regular routine: Check the time, check my txt messages, check sportcenter, check twitter. Twitter actually might be the 1st thing I check now that I think about it. You check your @ mentions, check what was said the night before, and you throw out your little good morning twets.

Usually when I check my timeline I see at least 7 or more "Just got a good morning txt from #oomf" least. I've grown to learn that women love that a man thinks about them enough to send them a goodnight OR a goodmorning text. Just one text message in the morning can MAKE a girl's whole day. Recently had a conversation with a female friend about good morning message and the biggest realization I made is that women don't say that want 'good morning' text messages. They want the dude they like to let them know they are still interested. A girl can get 8 'good morning' text from 8 different guys, but if it's not from that one person.....don't matter.

A female will act like she never even got the messages if it's not from that right person. As a guy that has sent a couple of mornin' text in my life there are about 3 replies you can get back....and only 1 of them is good.

1. You got your standard No Reply. This is when she rolls over, does her "regular routine", checks the phone......and sees your name. Probably shakes her head and puts the phone down. We've all been there before. You just know not to text that her anymore...

2. You get the "Aw Thanks. Good morning to you too".....end of text. This is when she's cool with you, but definitely not interested. She knows she's might see you later on that day and doesn't want things to be awkward. If some form of conversation doesn't ensue after you 'good morning' text then she's probably didn't want you textin her that early in the 1st place.

3. Three is the: one too many "smiley faces" response the "you just made my day!! :) :-D" (even though it aint even start yet); its that subtweet that she intentionally puts up right as your tweeting to make sure you see it!

So when you're not getting response #3, hey it happens to the best of us...

-"Why So Serious?!"

Very First Post

First off I HAVE to say that I have the upmost respect for everyone who has a blog already, and good luck to those who are thinking about starting one! I've been going non-stop editing my blog for about the past 6hrs straight (granted i did have anything else to do...#teamNoSleep) it's currently 7am. Sad thing is...after all the time spent editing this blog, I'm still not sure what it's going to look after I make this post.

I hope everyone enjoys the blog. These are just the thoughts of a young man with a few Jewels and a couple of thoughts. I'm not a journalist or english major so if misspell something...oh well! I'll get someone with one of those majors to proofread all further posts.

-"Why So Serious?!"