Mar 25, 2011

Mr. Good-Morning

Every morning, like most young college students, I wake up to my regular routine: Check the time, check my txt messages, check sportcenter, check twitter. Twitter actually might be the 1st thing I check now that I think about it. You check your @ mentions, check what was said the night before, and you throw out your little good morning twets.

Usually when I check my timeline I see at least 7 or more "Just got a good morning txt from #oomf" least. I've grown to learn that women love that a man thinks about them enough to send them a goodnight OR a goodmorning text. Just one text message in the morning can MAKE a girl's whole day. Recently had a conversation with a female friend about good morning message and the biggest realization I made is that women don't say that want 'good morning' text messages. They want the dude they like to let them know they are still interested. A girl can get 8 'good morning' text from 8 different guys, but if it's not from that one person.....don't matter.

A female will act like she never even got the messages if it's not from that right person. As a guy that has sent a couple of mornin' text in my life there are about 3 replies you can get back....and only 1 of them is good.

1. You got your standard No Reply. This is when she rolls over, does her "regular routine", checks the phone......and sees your name. Probably shakes her head and puts the phone down. We've all been there before. You just know not to text that her anymore...

2. You get the "Aw Thanks. Good morning to you too".....end of text. This is when she's cool with you, but definitely not interested. She knows she's might see you later on that day and doesn't want things to be awkward. If some form of conversation doesn't ensue after you 'good morning' text then she's probably didn't want you textin her that early in the 1st place.

3. Three is the: one too many "smiley faces" response the "you just made my day!! :) :-D" (even though it aint even start yet); its that subtweet that she intentionally puts up right as your tweeting to make sure you see it!

So when you're not getting response #3, hey it happens to the best of us...

-"Why So Serious?!"

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